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Parrish Lantern's Casebook

Malt Whisky Drinking, Single Speed Bike Racing, Poetry Loving, Book-Fiend, & If This Makes Me Seem Cool, It's All In The Edit.



The Ideal Library Symbolizes Everything a Society stands for. A Society Depends On Its Libraries To Know Who it Is, Because Libraries Are Societies Memory (A. Manguel). This Is My Attempt To Construct My Ideal library.

April 2015
text: CHARLES SIMIC ~ New and Selected Poems{1962–2012}
This anthology covers a span fifty years and close to four hundred poems, distilling Simic’s life’s work combining poetry fr...
New and Selected Poems: 1962-2012 - Charles Simic
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text: Funny French & Frantic
You often hear that the modern world is too fast, that everything is travelling at breakneck speed without a chance to pause,...
L' Homme Pressé - Paul Morand
finished reading:
finished reading:
July 2013
text: The Embroidered Armour - Roberto Peregalli,
The Embroidered Armour - Roberto Peregalli, Shaun Whiteside (translator) The Embroidered Armour, explores ancient Greek th...
The Embroidered Armour - Roberto Peregalli, Pierre Le-Tan, Shaun Whiteside
text: The Ritual of Writing on Air
Nichita Stănescu (niˈkita stəˈnesku) was born Nichita Hristea Stănescu on 31st March 1933 in the city of Ploiesti (ploˈjeʃtʲ...
Wheel with a Single Spoke and Other Poems by Stanescu, Nichita ( AUTHOR ) Jun-14-2012 Paperback - Nichita Stanescu
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June 2013
text: A Virtual Love is an old, old tale told in new way, it is a tale of love and deception, but spun from new cloth,
Those that have followed me for a while or that do so across the various forms of social media, are probably aware that my re...
A Virtual Love - Andrew Blackman
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May 2013
url: The Detour ~ Gerbrand Bakker
April 2013
reviewed: The Anthologist
If you love poetry, you will love this book, no prevarication, You Will Love This Book. If poetry was a joy, a love that you ...
The Anthologist - Nicholson Baker
reviewed: Departure
This, being my first poetry related post of 2013, I thought I’d aim high and start with an individual who’s not just a great ...
The Departure - Chris Emery
reviewed: The Car Thief
Buick Riviera. The Buick, coppertone, white sidewalls, was the model of the year, a '59, although the 1960 models were alread...
The Car Thief - Theodore Weesner
reviewed: Light Boxes
Thaddeus Lowe, lives with his wife, Selah, and their daughter, Bianca, in a small town that appears to be unnamed. For some ...
Light Boxes - Shane Jones
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